Memberships are now available!

Here to Stay in Wintergreen is delighted, thrilled, and proud to announce that we are opening for membership effective January 29, 2021.

Several things have come together to make this happen.

  • The pilot program continues to go smoothly, thanks in great part to our dedicated volunteers.

  • Our own 501(c)(3) has been received, which means we are now operating independently as a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable organization.

  • Our website is up and functioning. Please note if you have seen earlier versions, it is now correctly found as .org, which signifies our nonprofit status.

  • We have an office in Tuckahoe Clubhouse. Thanks to both WPOA and the Fire and Rescue organizations, you will find us across from the library as you come in the front door.

So how will all this work, especially in these days of COVID-19?

Caution is paramount for everyone. The membership this year is called COVID Membership because of this important limitation, and the fees reflect this.

Household fees are $180 annually, singles $120. They may be paid annually or semiannually. Membership fee support is available if needed. Membership at this point is limited to residents of Wintergreen, both Mountain and Valley.

What will you get for your money?

Picking up and dropping off of groceries, mail, prescriptions, library books, trash, restaurant orders, you name it! Curbside delivery is becoming more and more available and safe for all of us.

Thoughtful Food is there when an emergency strikes and a home-cooked meal is just what is needed.

When the weather permits, porch visits, walks, dog walking, and outside chores can all be safely handled.

Have another idea of how we can help? Ask!

We can’t think of everything. As things open up (think vaccines), changes will come. Primary now is to be safe, but help where we can.

We had grand plans for coffees and speakers and small interest groups. We are planning webinars as a substitute for the time being. At least one a month is scheduled. Please email us at if you have ideas for topics or presenters.

The resource list is developing nicely and already proving useful. Whether you need help now or in the future, it’s a good tool to have available.

How will this all work? The website explains under Membership just what to do. If you want more information or have questions, call us at 434-373-STAY (7829) or email us and we’ll get right back to you.

Whether you join because you need help now, you see it as insurance against the future, or you simply support the concept, you are most welcome. We look forward to working together, neighbor helping neighbor. And don’t forget members can be volunteers as well!