Considerations and Opportunities

Tim Rucker, Board Member, Member at Large

In Wintergreen/Stoney Creek it is impressive to see so many senior citizens leading active and independent lives. This reflects healthy lifestyles as well as community support.

HSW has identified several community support initiatives that would be useful for all within our greater Nelson County community.

COVID. The pandemic has changed life for everyone and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. While specific guidance is provided by many public and private organizations, the best advice is to wash hands frequently, wear a mask in public, maintain social distancing, and avoid large gatherings. The flu shot is especially important this year.

Local Pharmacy. Stoney Creek Pharmacy closed last year after continuous operation for over 40 years. As the nearest pharmacy is about 20 miles away and it is unlikely a private pharmacy will locate in Nellysford, UVA Health was asked to establish a pharmacy at the site of the previous pharmacy. Several planning meetings were held, and many letters of support were sent from the local community. We are now awaiting a decision from UVA Health. The pandemic has slowed the approval process.

Patient Education Classes. Stoney Creek Family Medicine recently conducted free patient education classes for the entire community. Of the 35 patients who attended 13 smoking cessation classes, almost half either stopped or significantly reduced their smoking. Of the 18 patients who attended 5 diabetic education classes, most reduced their weight and improved their diabetes control. Once the pandemic is under better control, the free classes will continue and will be made available to all, not just Stoney Creek Family Medicine patients. A Walk with the Doc program is also being considered.

Non-Emergency Medical Transport Vehicle. A need for a non-emergency medical transport vehicle was identified and will be explored. The service would be made available to those needing transportation to a medical facility who are not able to arrange their own transportation. Assisted Care Facility. Many expressed an interest in a local assisted care facility. Nelson County’s only assisted care facility closed several years ago and those needing this service must now go out of Nelson County. This possibility will be explored. HTSW is a long-term effort and will regularly solicit community input to determine community services needed to assist everyone with healthy aging.