Real heroes in our community

Curtis Sheets and his organization of professionals and volunteers that make up Wintergreen Fire and Rescue brought Covid-19 vaccinations not just to those of us in Wintergreen, but to those throughout Nelson County.

Quickly moving on unprecedented, complicated tasks–and controversial, in the eyes of some–such as this with so many unknowns is what heroes do. It was not in their job description. They could have done nothing.

Curtis Sheets and his team stepped forward and made it happen when others could not or would not. And they never missed a step in meeting any of their other obligations.

Here to Stay in Wintergreen is formally nominating Curtis Sheets and Wintergreen Fire and Rescue to the Charlottesville Daily Progress’s Distinguished Dozen. This is our daily newspaper's effort to identify and recognize the unsung heroes in our community.

We invite every organization and every individual in our community to do the same. We're certain many of the HSW members and volunteers will join us in this effort.

The link is here to make the nomination. Please note nominations must be in by this Friday (December 3).