Here to Stay in Wintergreen has several resources to help family caregivers

We understand that taking care of a loved one who has health issues can be challenging. HSW offers some programs and resources to help.

  • Caregiver’s Support Group - Many caregivers can benefit from a place where they can feel comfortable sharing their experiences and feelings in a confidential and reassuring setting. At our meetings, Caregivers meet with folks who have similar situations and share a variety of strategies about how to cope and where to get help. This free program is open to the entire community. No membership is needed. Pre-registering is required, however. For more information, please click on this link.

  • Nelson Enrichment Club - Working with Rockfish Presbyterian Church and Blue Ridge Medical Center, HSW has established a respite center for those with mild to moderate dementia. The Nelson Enrichment Club (NEC) offers sessions Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm. More information is available on the NEC website (

  • Resource Directory - The HSW website has a resource directory that lists organizations, companies and individuals that can help with in-home care. Please click on this link to access the directory.