About being an HSW Buddy

Neighbors who are interested in regularly reaching out to an HSW member who is a bit isolated due to age or health issues are volunteering to be part of our Buddy Program.

This “program” is unstructured. Here to Stay in Wintergreen simply links up interested neighbors and members who would enjoy having a low-key ongoing back and forth.

These ongoing one-on-one get-togethers can be chats or more. Each volunteer sets the parameters, working with the member.

Getting together a couple of times a month or more might be typical.

The two “buddies” might regularly meet for a coffee or tea in the member’s home, play chess or checkers, or watch a TV show they both enjoy, for example.

They can also go for a snack or lunch together, or simply take a drive around our countryside on a beautiful day, or run an errand together. A volunteer might send the member a card on the member’s birthday. Or simply chat on the phone every now and then.

There is a volunteer committee working to identify HSW members who might benefit from this program. Members can reach out to them by emailing buddy@HereToStayWTG.org.

Those interested in learning more about being a volunteer in this effort to enrich the lives of their neighbors can reach out at that email address as well.


Buddy Committee Leads
Alice Karrh
Carolyn Frahm