Here to Stay Wintergreen

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Update to the community - October 2022

Here to Stay in Wintergreen is continuing to grow both in numbers and in our programs and services as we respond to the needs of our members. See all the details by visiting our website at At the bottom of each page, you can sign up for our free email newsletters. (HSW members and volunteers do see more newsletters.)

In 2022, the most popular HSW member services have been offering transportation and providing assistance with home technology.

The ride requests from our members vary. Sometimes folks need an occasional ride for a checkup that is farther than they feel comfortable driving themselves. Sometimes they need transport support for a specific period of time like physical therapy visits after surgery. Our volunteer drivers are thoroughly screened in background checks and their current license and insurance status. They have continued to step up despite the high gas prices of the last few months. They have been the true stars of the show.

Almost every one of our initial interviews with new HSW members brings up the need for tech help. The need is not just for computers, tablets, and smartphones, but also assistance in understanding Smart TVs, remote controls, garage door openers, and such. Just about everything in our homes uses technology that can be helpful for those aging in place. Besides helping members with specific issues in their homes, HSW's tech committee has been holding popular tech workshops for members and volunteers on the 4th Thursday of the month at 3 pm at Tuckahoe Clubhouse.

Filling member requests for assistance requires a tremendous amount of volunteer support. The Wintergreen community has stepped up. Besides our drivers and a very engaged board of directors, there are volunteers such as Wendy Culberson who manages the online service requests, and teams such as Tim Ketchmark, John Harrington, and Peggy Gup Watts who handle the tech issues.

Mary Jo Russell has taken her idea of regular morning coffees for HSW members and volunteers and, with the help of many others, made it flourish.

The HSW Caregivers Support Group is going well. Led by Gordon Walker and Mary Gurr, it continues to be open to all in the community, members or not. Preregistration is needed for the meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11 am. Occasionally there is a speaker who will be of interest to all of HSW. Those sessions are announced both on the calendar and to those who have signed up for our emails.

That's just a few of the many efforts our volunteers have taken on. Our volunteers are serving with smiles on their faces because they see firsthand how they are filling a real need here at Wintergreen. Volunteers are indeed the heart of our organization. We cannot function without a strong volunteer program. If you're looking for a way to provide meaningful help to your neighbors, please check out our website.

On Thursday, November 10, at the Rockfish Valley Community Center, Here to Stay in Wintergreen will have its most ambitious community-wide service program yet–a Care Fair. This free event, open to all, will bring together providers of all kinds of services needed by our community. There will be in-home care services, transportation assistance, those who can help modify your current home to a safer environment, along with public and nonprofit organizations who serve our community. All will be present to answer questions and explain their services. Contact Susy Goebel at if you want to be part of this exciting program. –Kaye Pietrowicz

First published in the October 2022 Wintergreen Valley Association Informer Newsletter.